Atelier Direct 21 〜アトリエ・ディレクト 21 〜 は、現在準備中です。


The Shop is seasonally open.
Check back here for the next open!
Or Register to the V.I.P Art letter at:
and we will let you know.

If you would like to know currently available works, just drop us a line from CONTACT page. Personal viewing is welcome.

We ship internationally.
Original fine artworks and related goods and products.

**You can select your language and the currency in the menu on the top page. The price is subject to change based on the art market and may change automatically based on the foreign exchange rate.
If you have a specific artwork in mind, do not hesitate to contact us. We will give you a fixed price so that you don't have to worry.

同ショップAtelier Direct 21は、不定期OPEN。


以下より V.I.P Art letter にご登録いただくと展覧会情報、割引クーポンなどをお知らせします。


以下「V.I.P. Art NewsLetter」にご登録いただくと、 割引クーポンや、展覧会情報等をお届け。

通常は欧米でのアートフェアやギャラリーでの展覧会、コレクター向けアートサイトでや取り扱い画廊による作品販売がメインですが、同ショップ「Atelier Direct (アトリエ ・ディレクト) 21」では、制作直後の新作なども含め、気軽に飾れる小さいサイズのアートを中心に、展覧会やギャラリーでの取り扱い前やこのサイトだけの作品、アートブックなども、日本円・日本語でお求めいただけるようになりました。


For coupons and newsletter, subscribe from the link below. (2 to 3 times a year). Follow her Instagram.


【Featured Artist biography: Misako OBA】

略歴:主にニューヨークとパリでアートを学ぶ。元々フィルム撮影の銀塩モノクロのファインアート写真からアートの世界に入り画廊を通して展覧会多数。近年は主にエンコースティック(蜜ろう・樹脂・顔料から成る固形絵具を使った古典技法の近代適用)、水彩・油彩や文字等を融合させたミクストメディア作品を制作。人生の光と闇、人間の感情と魂の本質を探求し、「Stars and Desert (星と砂漠・荒野)」シリーズ等、時空を超えた古典の普遍的メッセージとプログラミング言語など現代要素の、新旧両方を織り込んだ準抽象的な作風が特徴。米国各地、フラン ス、ドイツ等、主に欧米で発表。個展、企画展、アートフェア多数。ヨーロッパ写真美術館、エンコースティック美術館など公的機関に作品が収蔵されている他、企業・個人コレクターを持つ。ニューヨーク州立大ほか、美術大学大学院生や教授、一般向けに講義・講演なども。
作品集に『PACTUM』『Gift of Loss』『FAUSTUS』、アーティストブックに『Beyond Time and Space 』他。


Shipping: Monday-Friday except Japanese holidays.
**You can select the language and the currency in the menu on the top page.

<< For international orders>>

ONLY PayPal payment is available in the system. Please select PayPal at check out.
The price may change automatically based on the foreign currency exchange rate.

The postal restriction may affect to some counties due to the conflict in Russia/Europe. Please contact us if you are unsure.

*Even if it is free shipping, "Shipping cost not included" may be displayed at the stage of a cart page, but once you continue to the purchaser information page and select a shipping method, the free shipping will be applied. If you have any problems, do not hesitate to contact us.

This is the shop where you can purchase the available (and affordable) artworks and artbooks that are created by the award-winning international artist Misako OBA (Short bio below). Her artworks are held in private, corporate, and national permanent collections internationally. She has exhibited at galleries and art fairs in France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Japan, and throughout he United States.

[[The artworks on this site are freshly created and some are even before going to galleries or exhibitions, and will be delivered directly from her studio to your doors. ]]

【Featured Artist: Short Biography】

Misako OBA was born and raised in Japan. Her artworks have been exhibited at international galleries and art fairs in France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, and the United States. Oba’s works include award-winning pieces. These works and others are held in private, corporate, and permanent collections.

Her body of work explores human life as a journey and examines our soul and emotions. It also depicts its transient nature and perspective. Her professional repertoire has evolved from photography to mixed-media painting, which incorporates encaustic, oil, printmaking, and text in compositions relevant to each series’ concept. As you see in her "Stars and Desert" project, she often layers timeless ancient messages and modern computer languages in an abstract manner. Her monographs (artbooks) include “PACTUM” (2011), “FAUSTUS” (2014), and “Cry for LOVE” (2020), and "Beyond Time Waka Poem" (2020). She has lived/worked in New York and other cities in the U.S. and usually divides her time between the U.S. and Japan to create and exhibit her art. 
You can find more information about her at: